(论文复现)How Machine Learning Is Solving the Binary Function Similarity Problem

【论文复现】How Machine Learning Is Solving the Binary Function Similarity Problem

一、模糊哈希(Fuzzy Hashing)

1. Bytes fuzzy hashing——Catalog1


​ 1. xorpd | FCatalog

​ 2. binary_function_similarity/Models/Catalog1 at main · Cisco-Talos/binary_function_similarity (github.com)

“FCatalog allows you to keep a database of all your named functions, and find similarities from this database efficiently.”


  • binary blob:一串bytes;

  • S(a):字节串a的四字截取集合,例如:

  • Jaccard Similarity:计算两个集合相似性:

  • minhash:文本相似度比较算法,用于快速估算两个集合的相似度。

​ Catalog1算法利用minhash,使用哈希近似替代两个S集合,以此来估算其Jaccard系数,从而达到高效率地比较两个集合。


​ Catalog1算法需要将二进制文件截取分割后,由于每个二进制文件的长度不定,故其分割计算出的S(a)也不定长。为了对每个二进制文件都得到一个定长的特征签名,就需要对S(a)进行特征提取。

​ 使用哈希函数将集合中的每个DWORD映射到DWORD,这里的哈希采用类似密码学中置换的方法(permutation):

#define WORD_SIZE 32      	// 32 bits
#define MAX_WORD 0xffffffff     // Maximum size of a dword.
#define BYTE_SIZE 8             // Amount of bits in a byte.

#define NUM_ITERS 4             // Amount of iterations per permutation.

// There are 128 RAND_DWORDS. Don't change the amount of random dwords here.

unsigned int RAND_DWORDS[] = {1445200656, 3877429363, 1060188777, 4260769784, 1438562000, 2836098482, 1986405151, 4230168452, 380326093, 2859127666, 1134102609, 788546250, 3705417527, 1779868252, 1958737986, 4046915967, 1614805928, 4160312724, 3682325739, 534901034, 2287240917, 2677201636, 71025852, 1171752314, 47956297, 2265969327, 2865804126, 1364027301, 2267528752, 1998395705, 576397983, 636085149, 3876141063, 1131266725, 3949079092, 1674557074, 2566739348, 3782985982, 2164386649, 550438955, 2491039847, 2409394861, 3757073140, 3509849961, 3972853470, 1377009785, 2164834118, 820549672, 2867309379, 1454756115, 94270429, 2974978638, 2915205038, 1887247447, 3641720023, 4292314015, 702694146, 1808155309, 95993403, 1529688311, 2883286160, 1410658736, 3225014055, 1903093988, 2049895643, 476880516, 3241604078, 3709326844, 2531992854, 265580822, 2920230147, 4294230868, 408106067, 3683123785, 1782150222, 3876124798, 3400886112, 1837386661, 664033147, 3948403539, 3572529266, 4084780068, 691101764, 1191456665, 3559651142, 709364116, 3999544719, 189208547, 3851247656, 69124994, 1685591380, 1312437435, 2316872331, 1466758250, 1979107610, 2611873442, 80372344, 1251839752, 2716578101, 176193185, 2142192370, 1179562050, 1290470544, 1957198791, 1435943450, 2989992875, 3703466909, 1302678442, 3343948619, 3762772165, 1438266632, 1761719790, 3668101852, 1283600006, 671544087, 1665876818, 3645433092, 3760380605, 3802664867, 1635015896, 1060356828, 1666255066, 2953295653, 2827859377, 386702151, 3372348076, 4248620909, 2259505262};

// Amount of rand dwords - 1:
#define NUM_DWORDS_MASK 0x7f

unsigned int ror(unsigned int x, unsigned int i) {
    // Rotate right a dword x by i bits.
    return (x >> i) | (x << (WORD_SIZE - i));

unsigned int perm(unsigned int num, unsigned int x) {
    // Permutation from dword to dword.
    // num is the permutation number. x is the input.
    unsigned int ror_index;
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<NUM_ITERS; ++i) {
        // Addition:
        x += RAND_DWORDS[(i + num + x) & NUM_DWORDS_MASK];
        // Rotation:
        ror_index = (x ^ RAND_DWORDS[(i + num + 1) & NUM_DWORDS_MASK]) & 0x1f;
        x = ror(x,ror_index);
        // Xor:
        x ^= RAND_DWORDS[(i + num + x) & NUM_DWORDS_MASK];
        // Rotation:
        ror_index = (x ^ RAND_DWORDS[(i + num + 1) & NUM_DWORDS_MASK]) & 0x1f;
        x = ror(x,ror_index);
    return x;

​ 由上可知,perm(i,x)就是第i个哈希函数h~i~(x)。计算完k个哈希函数后,我们得到了k个集合:

​ 然后每个集合中最小的数,就是我们所需的定长特征:

​ 故用$J(sig(A),sig(B))$代替$J(A,B)$即可大大简化计算,k的数量可以自己选定。对于完整的二进制文件,以下代码可以生成其对应特征:

int sign(
    unsigned char* data,
    unsigned int len,
    unsigned int *result,
    unsigned int num_perms) {

    // Find entry number <num> of the signature of data.
    // len is the length of the data.
    // The result is inside <result>, as an array of dwords.

    // We need at least 4 bytes to generate a signature.
    // We return -1 (error) if we don't have at least 4 bytes.
    if(len < 4) {
        return -1;
    unsigned int y; // Current integer value of 4 consecutive bytes.
    unsigned int py; // Permutation over y.
    unsigned int min_py; // Minimum py ever found.

    for(unsigned int permi=0; permi<num_perms; ++permi) {
        // Initialize y to be the first dword from the data:
        y = (unsigned int)data[0] << 24;
        y += ((unsigned int)data[1]) << 16;
        y += ((unsigned int)data[2]) << 8;
        y += (unsigned int)data[3];

        // Calculate first permutation:
        py = perm(permi,y);
        min_py = py;

        for(unsigned int i=4; i<len; ++i) {
            y <<= 8;
            y += data[i];
            py = perm(permi,y);
            if(min_py > py) {
                min_py = py;
        // Save minimum perm value found to memory:
        result[permi] = min_py;
    // Everything went well.
    // Result should be stored at <result>
    return 0;


​ Catalog1共分为server和client两部分,client客户端作为IDA的一个插件,server服务器可以使用官方提供的testfcatalog.xorpd.net:1337,也可以自行搭建https://github.com/xorpd/fcatalog_server。

​ 为了计算速度更快,这里使用C语言编写catalog相关计算操作,首先编译catalog1 :
