(技术积累)(Part 2)How does Wasm module interact with JavaScripte in browser?

(Part 2)How does Wasm module interact with JavaScripte in browser?


  • WebAssembly in Action. Chapter 4.2

Part1中为了使得JS代码可以直接调用Wasm函数,并传递内存,使用了Emscripten提供的ccallUTF8ToString,_malloc_free函数,这些helper functions提供了对标准JavaScripte WebAssembly API的封装。若Emscripten不生成JS plumbing code,即没有这些help functions时,使用下面的方式来使JS和Wasm Module交互:

1. 修改代码

因为原始的validate.cpp代码中使用了一些例如strlen的C/C++标准库函数,当让Emscripten生成side module时其并不会生成相应的函数,并且,此时并没有相应的_malloc_free函数了,我们需要自己实现。


#pragma once
#include <stdio.h> 
void InsertIntoAllocatedArray(int new_item_index, int offset_start, int size_needed); 
int create_buffer(int size_needed); 
void free_buffer(int offset); 
char* strcpy(char* destination, const char* source); 
size_t strlen(const char* value); 
int atoi(const char* value); 


#include <stdio.h>
#include <emscripten.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { // So that the C++ compiler does not rename our function names
	const int TOTAL_MEMORY = 65536; // We should always have at least 1 page of memory (1,024 bytes x 64 KiB).
    int current_allocated_count = 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus


struct MemoryAllocated 
    int offset;
    int length;

// The array that will hold details about each memory allocation
struct MemoryAllocated AllocatedMemoryChunks[MAXIMUM_ALLOCATED_CHUNKS];


void InsertIntoAllocatedArray(int new_item_index, int offset_start, int size_needed)
    // Shift everything to the right by one if it is to the right of where the new item will be inserted
    for (int i = (MAXIMUM_ALLOCATED_CHUNKS - 1); i > new_item_index; i--)
        AllocatedMemoryChunks[i] = AllocatedMemoryChunks[(i - 1)];

    // Add the new item at the specified index
    AllocatedMemoryChunks[new_item_index].offset = offset_start;
    AllocatedMemoryChunks[new_item_index].length = size_needed;

    // Increment the count of blocks allocated


// Our version of malloc
    int create_buffer(int size_needed)
    // If we are already at our limit of allocated memory blocks then exit now
    if (current_allocated_count == MAXIMUM_ALLOCATED_CHUNKS) { return 0; }

    // Adjust the start position to give room for items that will be copied into memory when the module is instantiated
    int offset_start = 1024;
    int current_offset = 0;
    int found_room = 0;

    int memory_size = size_needed;
    while (memory_size % 8 != 0) { memory_size++; }// Increase the size so that the next offset will be a multiple of 8

    // Loop through the currently allocated memory...
    for (int index = 0; index < current_allocated_count; index++)
        // If there is space between the previous offset and the current one for the memory that is wanted then...
        current_offset = AllocatedMemoryChunks[index].offset;
        if ((current_offset - offset_start) >= memory_size)
            // Add the current item to the current index of the array (bump the rest of the items to the right by one)
            InsertIntoAllocatedArray(index, offset_start, memory_size);
            found_room = 1;

        // OffsetStart for the next loop will be the end of the current array item's memory block
        offset_start = (current_offset + AllocatedMemoryChunks[index].length);

    // Room wasn't found in between the existing allocated memory blocks
    if (found_room == 0)
        // If there is room between the end of the last memory block and the end of memory then...
        if (((TOTAL_MEMORY - 1) - offset_start) >= size_needed)
            // Add the item to the array
            AllocatedMemoryChunks[current_allocated_count].offset = offset_start;
            AllocatedMemoryChunks[current_allocated_count].length = size_needed;
            found_room = 1;

    // If there was room for the memory needed then return the offset
    if (found_room == 1) { return offset_start; }

    // Otherwise, tell the caller there was no room (NULL pointer)
    return 0;


// Our version of free (for our version of malloc)
    void free_buffer(int offset)
    int shift_item_left = 0; // Don't shift left by default

    // Loop through the currently allocated memory...
    for (int index = 0; index < current_allocated_count; index++)
        // If the current item's offset matches the one we wish to free then we want to start shifting all items to the left starting here
        if (AllocatedMemoryChunks[index].offset == offset) { shift_item_left = 1; }

        // If we are to shift from the left then...
        if (shift_item_left == 1)
            // If there is at least one more item in the array to the right then...
            if (index < (current_allocated_count - 1))
                AllocatedMemoryChunks[index] = AllocatedMemoryChunks[(index + 1)];
            else // We're at the end of the array. Zero out the values.
                AllocatedMemoryChunks[index].offset = 0;
                AllocatedMemoryChunks[index].length = 0;

    // If we shifted left that means we found the offset requested and removed it from the array. Adjust the count of items in the array


// Our version of strcpy
char* strcpy(char* destination, const char* source)
    // Loop until we have copied all of the source characters to the destination
    char* return_copy = destination;
    while (*source) { *destination++ = *source++; }
    *destination = 0;// Null terminate the string since we only looped until we hit the null terminator in the source (we didn't copy the null terminator)

    return return_copy;

// Our version of strlen
size_t strlen(const char* value)
    // Loop while the current character is not NULL
    size_t length = 0;
    while (value[length] != '\0') { length++; }

    // Return the count
    return length;

// our version of atoi
int atoi(const char* value)
    // If a null pointer or an empty string was passed in then exit now
    if ((value == NULL) || (value[0] == '\0')) { return 0; }

    int result = 0;
    int sign = 0;

    // If we have a negative sign then set the flag and move to the next character.
    if (*value == '-') { sign = -1; ++value; }

    // Loop until we reach the null terminator of the string...
    char current_value = *value;
    while (current_value != '\0')
        // If the current character is between 0 and 9 then...
        if ((current_value >= '0') && (current_value <= '9'))
            result = result * 10 + current_value - '0';// Convert the current character to an integer and add to to the result
            current_value = *value;
            return 0; // Invalid character found. exit now

    // If the value is negative, flip the flag by multiplying the value by -1
    if (sign == -1) { result *= -1; }

    return result;


emcc side_module_system_functions.cpp validate.cpp -s SIDE_MODULE=2 -O1 -o validate.wasm


<script src="validate.js"></script>